Unknown | 7/01/2012 | 0 komentar


A.    Greeting = Ucapan Salam

1.      Assalamualaikum wr wb  (السلا Ù… عليكم Ùˆ رحمة الله وبركاته)
2.      Good Morning      : selamat pagi              = 1 am – 11 am
3.      Good day              : selamat siang             = 11 am – 1 pm
4.      Good afternoon    : selamat sore               = 1 pm -  6 pm
5.      Good evening       : selamat sore               = 6 pm – 10 pm
6.      Good night            : selamat malam           = 10 pm – 1 am

B.     Introduction = Perkenalan

1.      Can I introduce My self
2.      Could I introduce My self

C.    Thanking = Terima Kasih

1.      Thank you                                       You are Welcome
2.      Thank you very much                    Not at All
3.      Many thank

D.    Offering Something = Menawarkan Sesuatu

1.      Do you want a cup of coffee? Yes, Please
2.      Would you like a glass of bandrek? No, Thank

E.     Asking For Help = Minta Tolong

1.      Can you help me? of course
2.      Could you help me? sure
3.      Can you help me please? certainly
4.      Can you do something for me? I’m Sorry, I can’t

F.     Offering For Help = Mewarkan Bantuan

1.      Can I help you?
2.      What can I do for you?
3.      How can I assist you?

G.    Apologizing = Permintaan Maaf

1.      I’m Sorry                             Never mind
2.      I’m very sorry                     So You should me
3.      Forgive me please                 That all right
4.      Pardon                                 It doesn’t Matter

H.    Like and Dislike = Suka dan Tidak Suka

1.      Do you like fizza
a.       Yes I like
b.      No, I don’t Like
c.       Yes, very much
d.      No, I hate it

I.       Prohibition = Larangan

1.      Don’t cry in here
2.      Don’t touch my teeth
3.      Don’t break your promise
4.      Don’t hurt my heart
5.      Don’t be noise
6.      Don’t be lazy

J.      Command = Perintah

1.      Clean this is room
2.      Keep your spirit
3.      Be patient
4.      be the best

K.    Praising = Puijan

1.      How handsome you are
2.      Excellent
3.      Great
4.      Wonderful

L.     Praying = Do’a

1.      God bless you
2.      May Allah give you easiness
3.      May we unite in heaven god

M.   Congratulation = Ucapan Selamat

1.      Happy birthday
2.      Happy do new life
3.      Congratulation

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